These are the members of our research group:
Agneta Berg, post-doc, anesthesiology/ICU nurse
Anna Januszkiewics, post-doc, senior consultant
Brigitte Twelkmeyer, post-doc
Christina Blixt, PhD student, consultant
Christina Hebert, laboratory assistent
Eva-Nejman-Skoog, laboratory assistent
Felix Liebau, PhD student, consultant
Folke Hammarqvist, professor, senior consultant
Kristina Kilsand, research nurse
Henrik Mascher, post-doc
Inga Tjäder, post-doc, senior consultant
Jan Wernerman, professor, senior consultant
Jonathan Grip, PhD student, MD
Leif Ekmark, PhD student, consultant
Lena Gamrin, post-doc, senior consultant
Maiko Mori, PhD student
Maja Nygren, research nurse
Maria Klaude, senior research scientist
Nicolas Tardif, postdoc
Olav Rooyackers, professor, head of laboratory
Towe Jakobsson, laboratory assistent
Urban Fläring, post-doc, senior consultant
Viveka Gustafsson, research nurse
Åke Norberg, post-doc, senior consultant
And here are the students and anaesthesiology residents now and in the resent past involved in research projects within the group:
Anna Bernardsson, resident
Anja Rosen, medical student
Christian Alhstedt, resident
Christian Kahlbom, resident
Emma Nordkvist, medical student
Garret Rochford, clinical chemist student from Dublin
Johanna Svensson, medical student
Jonathan Grip, medical student
Marie Fröberg, medical student
Marie Sellvall, resident
Martin Sundström, medical student
Mats Mattson, resident
Paul Castillo, resident
Ramin Kouchek, resident
Terje Kirketeig, resident
Tore Persson, resident